Friday, February 18, 2022

Film Babble Blog Fun Fact: Oliver Stone's JFK Flips The Script

The real Jim Garrison as Earl Warren in Oliver Stone's JFK (1991)

Oliver Stone’s 1991 conspiracy classic JFK was largely based on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1988 book, On the Trail of the Assassins, that heavily criticized the Warren Commission’s handling of the assassination of JFK in the early to mid ‘60s. Garrison made a cameo in the film, JFK, as his adversary, the then Chief Justice of the United States Earl Warren.

The real Earl Warren of the infamous Warren Report in the '60s

This means that in the film, Garrison’s Warren was criticizing Garrison, played by Kevin Costner; for criticizing the Warren Report. Got that? 

There are other cases of actors or non-actors playing roles based on public figures that they oppose, but it’s getting late, and that’s all I got right now.

More later...

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